JJ团租是由德州房地产协会会员Jennifer Juang领导的一个为留美学生租房的专业团队。团队在德州奥斯汀、大学城、休斯顿和达拉斯长期从事中国大陆和台湾地区留学生的免费在美租房服务。团队成员一直秉着学生第一的服务宗旨,一切以学生的利益为中心,在学生中留下了很好的口碑。此外,团队也提供买卖房子的服务,尤其是学校附近的学生公寓。
We are a professional team lead by Jennifer Juang, an agent and locator of Texas Association of Realtors. We not only provide free consulting of leasing but also the residential and commercial sales. Our goal is to help all of you to find a sweet and warm home in Texas. We look forward to meeting you and finding you your perfect place.
JJ Group Lease

What We Provide
We provide free consulting service for international students to help lease apartment around the university campus. Safety is an important issue we are concerned about. We provide a number of choices of apartments with good convenience, good environment, and good prices.
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What's JJ GroupLease? JJ团租是什么组织?JJ GroupLease is the name of the leasing team led by Jennifer. We provide free and professional apartment leasing for international students. JJ团租是一个由Jennifer领导的为留美学生提供免费专业租房服务的组织,目前经营范围限于德州。
Why choosing JJ GroupLease?为什么选择JJ团租?JJ GroupLease provides you: Free and professional leasing consulting; Help to check in, sloving living issues and check out; Better deals renting apartment Responsible team members to give you a safe and warm home. JJ GroupLease is the best choice for you. JJ团租可以为您提供: 1. 免费而专业的租房咨询服务; 2. 免费协助办理入住、搬出以及沟通解决居住过程中遇到的问题; 3. 团租向公寓尽可能争取更好的优惠给大家; 4. 团租团队成员以一颗负责任的心为大家提供最好的服务。 JJ团租是您最好的选择!
How can I join the JJ GroupLease? 如何参加JJ团租?If you rent an apartment through us, then you are one member of JJ GroupLeasers and you can enjoy our services. When you are looking for an apartment, you can contact us via wechat, email or online chat. We will response you once we get the notice. 如果您是通过JJ团租租的房子,那您就是JJ团租大家庭中的一员,您即可以享受到我们提供的服务。 您可以通过微信、邮件、电话或在线给我们留言交流,我们将及时回复您。如果在线留言不在线,敬请留下您的邮箱,我们会第一时间通过邮件与您联系。
How to choose an apartment?如何选择适合自己的房子?In each city, we provide a number of cooperating apartments for you. Those apartments are chosen carefully with consideration of safety, convenience, price, service, etc. Each apartment has its own features and prices. You should choose the apartment according to your budget and requirements. Usually, it's hard to find an apartment with good furnishes, good environment, convenient but also in cheap price. JJ团租在德州四个城市提供租房咨询服务,我们精心挑选了安全、便捷、服务好和性价比高的公寓和我们达成长久的合作。 每个公寓都有其自己的优点和缺点,关键是要根据自己的实际情况选择一个适合自己的公寓,比如预算、对房子的要求等。通常,位置好的公寓租金高但可能没家具,有家具的公寓性价比高但位置可能没那么好。但是,有一点是肯定的,那就是一定有校车站点。
What's the differences between individual and non-individual lease apartments?独立合约和非独立合约公寓有什么区别?The differences lie in the floor plans with two bedrooms or more. The individual lease means that you are only responsible for the rent of your private room and the shared public space, utilities. It is better for you if you don't have any roommates, but you want to share a whole unit with others. The non-individual lease requires that all the tenants have the responsibility for the whole unit. Even though you don't have a roommate, you are asked to pay the rent of the whole unit. So, looking for roommates ahead is very important. 对于1b1b的房子,也就是一居室来说,独立和非独立合约公寓没什么区别,区别就在于两居室及以上的房子。 首先,独立合约的意思是每个人只需要对自己住的卧室负责租金,不管其他卧室是否空着,您都不用担心公寓会问你要钱。相反,非独立合约的公寓要求大家对整套房子一起负责,假如房子有空的卧室,您也要为那间空的卧室付租金。这就是最大的区别。 所以,如果您没找到室友,那么独立合约公寓是您的选择;如果您找到室友并且大家居住时间一样,那可以考虑非独立合约公寓,当然也可以租独立合约的公寓。
What do those floor plans mean?US apartments usually have 1b-1b, 2b-1b, 2b-2b, 3b-2b, 3b-3b, 4b-2b and 4b-4b floor plans. The first "b" means "bedroom" and the second "b" means "bathroom". Therefore, (1) 1b-1b: 1 private bedroom and 1 private bathroom. The studio is also one kind of 1b-1b plans, with the bedroom and living room together. (2) 2b-1b: 2 private bedrooms and 1 shared bathroom. Shared living room and kitchen room. (3) 2b-2b: 2 private bedrooms and 2 shared bathroom. Shared living room and kitchen room. (4) 3b-2b: 3 private bedrooms and 2 shared bathroom. Shared living room and kitchen room. (5) 3b-3b: 3 private bedrooms and 3 shared bathroom. Shared living room and kitchen room. (6) 4b-2b: 4 private bedrooms and 2 shared bathroom. Shared living room and kitchen room. (7) 4b-2b: 2 private bedrooms and 4 shared bathroom. Shared living room and kitchen room.
What's the differences between furnished and unfurnished apartments?US apartments can be divided into furnished and unfurnished apartments. No matter furnished or unfurnished apartments, the kitchen is fully furnished with dove, dish washer, refrigerator and even microwave. So, the differences lie in the living room and bedrooms. The living room and bedrooms are empty in the unfurnished apartments except walk-in closet. However, the furnished apatments have sofa, dining table and chairs in the living room, and bed frame, mattress and writing desk and chairs. In one word, the furnished apartments are ready for you to live.
Is there air conditioner inside the unit?德州的公寓房子里面有空调吗?Of course, yes! Air conditioner is the necessity in Texas. You need air conditioner to cool in summer and to heat in winter. Almost all apartments install center air conditioners inside each unit. The tenants can control it by themselves. There is air change window in every bedroom. You can also control the window size. 答案是肯定的,德州所有出租公寓都第一要求有空调,原因是因为德州夏天很热,温度可以高到100多华氏度。所以,德州有法律规定如果公寓房间里温度高于100华氏度超过24小时,公寓负责人必须要么立即把房间空调修好,要么给换一套空调正常工作的房间。另外,在冬天您也需要空调来制暖。德州大部分公寓房子内部装的空调都是中央空调,是租户可以自己在房间里控制开关、温度高低的中央空调,所以非常方便。
How many floors do the apartments have?德州学生公寓一般是几层楼高?In US, most apartments are built with wood. It usually has 2~3 floors high. So, there are a number of buildings in an apartment.There are some student apartments near campus which are modern built and often mucher higher. But the price is also much higher than the wood ones. 众所周知,美国大部分的房子都是木头造的,因此不可能像钢筋水泥建筑一样盖很高,通常都是2-3层。所以,一个公寓就像一个社区,往往有很多栋公寓楼,每栋楼都是两三层。还有一点,美国的钢筋水泥公寓的价格比木头造的公寓高很多。
Which floor is the best choice?那选哪个楼层最好呢?There is no big difference among the first, second and third floors. Since the first floor is more convenient, the local students like living on the first floor. The units on the third floor may be a little more quiet. 在德州,由于气候还是比较干燥,所以无论是一楼还是三楼,都不存在有潮气的问题。实际上,不同楼层各有利弊,一楼的房子很方便,不需要爬楼梯,二楼三楼的房子更有私密空间。因此,选择住哪个楼层还是应该根据自己的喜好来选择。
Still looking for houses facing South? Chinese tradition?房子是朝南的吗?NO! Americans don't know that Chinese tradition. You should use the dryer to make the washed clothes dry. You will get warning and punishments if you put your clothes outside to get dry. What's more, it is very hot from April to October in Texas. 朋友们,在美国租房千万别再用中国的那种思想,房子要坐北朝南。这在美国是没有的事情。国内房子坐北朝南是为了阳光比较好,但是美国是不允许把衣服晒到阳台或外面的,不允许曝露在外面,所以都用烘衣机烘干衣服,不需要晾晒了。大部分条件好一点的学生公寓房子内部都是带洗衣机和烘干机的,也有一部分房子是整个公寓公共的。
What supporting docuements are required to rent a room in Texas?德州租房子需要哪些文件呢?In Texas, passport and I-20/DS-2019 forms are in need when applying. The VISA is required before moving in. Some apartments also require bank statement or income proof to finish application. In Texas, apartments require the monthly income at least three times as the monthly rent or the total bank deposit reaches at least three times as the amount of the total rent. 在德州,留学生在提交租房申请时必须要有“护照”和I-20或DS-2019表,在办理入住时,必须要出示VISA签证页。 此外,很多公寓要求额外提供“银行存款证明”或者“收入证明”。德州房地产协会规定:租客提供的收入证明或存款证明金额要求满足至少是租金的三倍。
How to apply through JJ GroupLease?那通过JJ团租租房的步骤是什么样的?(1) Choosing one apartment and one floor plan first; (2) Looking for suitable roommates; (3) Contact us via wechat, email or the online chat onsite; (4) Pack all names, emails, apartment and floor plan information, and all the required supporting documents and send them to our email address: UT: jjgroupleaseut@gmail.com; TAMU: jjgroupleasetamu@gmail.com; Dallas & Houston: jjgrouplease@gmail.com. (1)第一步:首先从我们发布的租房信息中选择好公寓和房型; (2)第二步:如果你需要合租,建议你提前找好室友; (3)第三步:确定好上述信息后,就通过微信、邮件、电话或者在线聊天联系团租负责人,并讨论租房情况; (4)第四步:把姓名、要租的房子信息、房型、需要的租房文件发送到相应的团租邮箱,团租负责人会把申请信息及时发给公寓负责人处理,直到房子完成申请。 邮箱:UT-Austin: jjgroupleaseut@gmail.com; TAMU: jjgroupleasetamu@gmail.com; Dallas & Houston: jjgrouplease@gmail.com.
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